Downing, Pignatelli Bill on Drug Oversight Clears Senate

Downing, Pignatelli Bill on Drug Oversight Clears Senate

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Prior to Tuesday's Senate action, S. 1926, An Act regulating the use of buprenorphine in opioid dependence treatment, had been reviewed and received favorable recommendations from the Joint Committees on Public Health, Health Care Financing and the …


Calvert health officer: more help for addicts coming

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

The added technology will also allow health officials to link mental health with substance abuse treatment. Polsky reported the Food and Drug Administration may be placing restrictions on certain narcotics, including Vicodin. Other Health Department …
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Loopholes closed that kept insured from mental health therapy

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

The final rule implements the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act — tagged on the Troubled Asset Relief Program and signed into law by President George W. Bush in October 2008. It ensures health plan features …