'Cops': Making Crime Pay

'Cops': Making Crime Pay

Filed under: Portland Drug Addiction Help

The show reshaped TV by looking over the shoulder of police as they encountered addicts, prostitutes, and burglars—characters who most viewers had met before only in works of fiction. "No TV series travels as light as 'Cops,' yet delivers such a …
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WA teens hear conflicting messages about pot

Filed under: Portland Drug Addiction Help

… 'say no to drugs,'” said Williams, who added she's not about to change the message. Neither is the federal government. It partly funds a group called Prevent, a substance abuse prevention coalition for Clark County. “We want kids to be successful …
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Ensuring Benefits Parity and Gender Identity Nondiscrimination in Essential

Filed under: Portland Drug Addiction Help

… or incentive programs. State essential health benefit benchmark plans must also comply with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and other relevant federal and state nondiscrimination laws. … But most coverage exclusions are …
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Paths to Success

Filed under: Portland Drug Addiction Help

In the early 1990s, when Portland was at the height of America's “war on drugs” Jackson was a young college student who began dealing dope. In his junior year, he got caught and was sent to prison for 16 months. When he was released, Jackson was …
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