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Conversations w/Great Minds – Dr. Peter Beilenson – Are Healthcare Co-Ops Coming? P2


Conversations w/Great Minds – Dr. Peter Beilenson – Are healthcare co-ops coming? P2 – In this week’s Conversations With Great Minds we’ll meet a true pioneer who may well help revolutionize your relationship with our healthcare system. For ton…


Tougher laws not only way to beat drunken driving in WI, AG says

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

By M.D. Kittle / August 26, 2013 / 3 Comments … that we need to do something about it, but because I know we have limited dollars and I want to use them in the most effective and efficient way possible,” Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen told …


CIA 'helped as Saddam gassed Iran'

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

But the CIA documents, which sat almost entirely unnoticed in a trove of declassified material at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, combined with exclusive interviews with former intelligence officials, reveal new details about the depth …
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Report: White supremacist prison gang targets Colorado judge, corrections

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

Clements' murder led to widespread criticism of Colorado's parole program, which was found to under supervise scores of parolees. Ebel had escaped from his electronic monitoring bracelet days before anyone noticed. By the time an arrest warrant was …
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'Breaking Bad' recap: Jesse's got a gun

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

Drug dealers really don't like the police, huh? Now we know that (at least for now) he is not going to make a deal with the DEA for information about Heisenberg. The camera flashes to Walt in his bathroom covering his bruise from Hank with Skyler's makeup.
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