Clovis Tumbles on Pancreatic Cancer Drug Failure

Clovis tumbles on pancreatic cancer drug failure

Filed under: drug treatment news 2010

THE BIG PICTURE: CO-101 is a form of gemcitabine, a drug that is sold by Eli Lilly and Co. as Gemzar. Gemzar lost patent protection in 2010. CO-101 is intended to treat tumors that are resistant to treatment with the standard version of gemcitabine …
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New EMCDDA report shows heroin use in decline and patterns of drug use shifting

Filed under: drug treatment news 2010

Across Europe, the number of those entering specialist drug treatment for the first time for heroin problems fell from 51 000 in 2005 to 46 000 in 2010, having peaked at 61 000 in 2007 (Figure TDI-1, part ii). Among other countries, the decline was …
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