Christians With Drug Past?

Question by BrennaBoo: Christians with drug past?
I’m 15, and I’m a Christian. I’m also known as one of the biggest screw ups and druggies in my school, in my town. And trust me, I live in a big city. 4 different high schools. Everyone thinks that. half of the people I’m around don’t even know that I’m Christian or have a belief at all. I recently accidentally overdosed, I was just trying to get high, and not being proud of it, I’m glad it happened because if it didn’t I would’ve never been admitted into a treatment center. I don’t have the right motivation to stop partying or smoking or anything else I do, trust me it’d be a long list. I like the feelings that it gives me too much. But I also don’t want to do any of it. The power of liking it too much to quit is over ruling ther power I have to stop. In other words, I think I’m letting satan rule over me more than God. I need advice from Christians/restored christians that have a past with it or are still struggling with it. I don’t care if you’re 17 or 50. If you understand my position, please help.

Best answer:

Answer by Chris Greenwood
It will take the power of God in your life. He saved me, not only from my sin, but from drugs as well. But believe me, it was a scary way to go; thankfully He kept me and took care of me. Christ Jesus is fully trustworthy.

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Christian Drug Treatment – htpp// – We believe you are here for a very specific reason. That reason is for you to make a decision to turn your life around…