Can My Husband Still Recover From His Drug Addiction?

Question by allie: Can my husband still recover from his drug addiction?
I’m starting to lose hope. My husband is addicted to pot. After months of negotiation, he finally agreed to enter a drug rehab and recieve treatment. The thing is, I don’t think any program works for him. He just finished his second treatment program and I don’t think it made any changes. He still smokes pot. Do I have to ask him to enter another drug rehab? Do I have to finally give up on him?

Best answer:

Answer by Katherine W
I think there’s a group for the spouses of addicts, called Narc-Anon. You should look into it. I think that, ultimately, it would be healthier to leave him, as he’s not going to change as long as you’re there. Your leaving will either give him the impetus to change, or at least you get away from him and his addiction. Some things can’t be fixed unless the person chooses to, and your husband is choosing dope over you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Treatment Cures Blindness – Stem cells have produced another scientific “miracle”– This time allowing a blind man to see with nearly perfect vision. Laci shows us the amazing procedure…


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24 Responses to Can My Husband Still Recover From His Drug Addiction?

  • kimmy says:

    You shouldn’t lose hope. There are many reasons why he is still an addict despite the two rehab programs he’s attended. The first reason is: maybe he’s not interested. It’s possible that he agreed to enter a rehab just because of you. It may be because he just wants to end the discussion. He wants to make you happy so he did it. The problem is, he has to do it for himself too. Another thing is, maybe the program just wasn’t right for him. Maybe it was too much to handle. Be patient enough to look for treatment programs that might be more suitable to his needs. Look for doctors and counselors that he will listen to. After all, Lindsay Lohan entered three different rehabs. Maybe the third one is your husband’s lucky charm too. It’s also a possibility that he is not ready to give up smoking yet. Talk to your husband and ask him what he feels. I advise you not to leave him. You might be his only hope.

  • dontmesswithheather says:

    you cant make him want to quit, he has to want to, otherwise yes it is a lost cause. Maybe you need to get him motivated. Leave him and maybe that will start a spark in his brain that maybe he should quit. Except I dont mean leave him for a month, I am talking more like a few months, maybe five. Let him know what he is loosing. and make sure before you go back that he actually wants to quit. it shouldnt just be for you. You shouldnt have to ask him to go to drug rehab. I think if you leave him for about 5 months and then he does it again, then I think you should probably give up on him. It is different if he is actually trying to quit, but the way you make it sound, he has really made no effort to quit and until he does, it is definitely not worth it.

    EDIT: and when I say leave him for around 5 months i dont mean totally cut him out of the picture, you should go out with him occasionally, but make sure he realizes what he is missing because he rather have pot instead

    EDIT: here is a site that tells alittle more about how he would be addicted

  • Yeah I guess... says:

    So we almost have the ability to cure some of the most debilitating
    diseases, yet people are rejecting it because of a 2000 year old book of
    desert stories?
    I’m done with this planet.?

  • Mikhaela Goldsack says:

    The stem cells can not help burn victims with tattoos

  • Pulkit Mehta says:

    So are your mom’s prostitution services

  • Martz Mtz says:

    In USA. in 2011 a product was formulated, and patented.. it is a natural
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    and release of adult stem cells from your own organism. it is 16
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    thousand people registered having benefits… Do you want to try…I have
    20 people that did it and my self we got good benefits. more info ….usa
    stem vida….dot com viviendo con diabetes

  • Neonrena says:

    Nothing, people just think that if you are an atheist. It means you are
    evil… Sad.

  • Shadow of The Beast says:

    In religion the cons outweight the pros. Now tell me… what is bad about
    atheism O_O

  • Neonrena says:

    It’s fantastic.

  • Neonrena says:

    Because of religious bigots. That’s one.

  • Cee Pee says:


  • TrueNovice says:

    Buy the stock of the company if you want. most investors think it’s too

  • Darkmoon Baron says:

    Religion doesn’t just not help people, it ends up pissing people off a lot
    too. 😀

  • Adrian Bobo says:

    haha yup 🙂 Got a problem?

  • MJ Cylum says:

    I’m 20/400 and just need glasses…

  • Big Macintosh. says:

    Science: *Science* Religion: DE GAWD SAVED DE BOI FRUM DI EN (Where is said
    god for starving african children?) GER D HEAS PWANS (Religion has a
    fucking excuse for everything doesn’t it?) Yessuhg

  • John Snow says:

    Why are we not funding this!?

  • Salavaur says:

    Atheists….. Atheists everywhere

  • FletchFTW4413 says:

    religion is the main reason the world inst moving forward, because it’s
    striving to pull us back into the dark ages again

  • AaronMosh7 says:

    Why aren’t we funding this?

  • itstoocoldoutside says:

    i want to know too

  • itstoocoldoutside says:

    Its not science. Its smart peoples brains who actually did the work and
    thought long and hard. These people should be awarded medals and honor!
    With people “science” wouldnt even be “in existence”.

  • Beefis99 says:

    Not Allah dude, science… not fairytales… science!

  • Beefis99 says:


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