Born Addicts: Drug-Addicted Babies in the United States


Born Addicts: Drug-Addicted Babies in the United States – In the United States, the number of women abusing prescription pain medications and become opioid drug addicted is growing. “They are women that have had ver…


Sierra McMillan Charged With Manslaughter After Baby Dies In Bathtub: Cops

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Michelle Windgassen, 27, and John Lewis, 32, were arrested on charges of endangering a minor while they were under the influence of drugs at a Louisville restaurant. Officers found Windgassen in the bathroom snorting heroin, and Lewis admitted snorting …
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Suicide rate higher in Indiana and Porter County

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

But Simon, who co-authored the report, said some of the possible factors behind the increases could include the baby boomer generation's historically higher suicide rate, rising substance abuse–particularly prescription and overdoses–and …
Read more on Chesterton Tribune


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12 Responses to Born Addicts: Drug-Addicted Babies in the United States

  • TheRealHouseWifeofNY says:

    God bless them. The Mothers &? The Babies

  • Britta Snyder says:

    people are so for these babies being adopted. yes there are good stories but i was someone who got it together and have the healthiest happiest chubbiest 1 and a half year old? who has her original mom and dad because we gave a shit and i didnt plan on having an innocent child be in the midle of a terrible addiction. No mother would do this to a child if it was preventable!!

  • Britta Snyder says:

    U have no idea til it’s you. painkillers/heroin isnt like crak/meth/thc..U cant stop an opiate or u will miscarry/give brith prematurely. If u get raped or you prostitute or even if? you do have sex as your right and use protection and it fails, and U are currently on heroin/opiates/legal pain meds, the doctors will not detox you, u will be put on man-made safer opiates like methadone or suboxone which is really only safer cause the dosage is monitored, its all the same as far as effects on baby.

  • Teeg M says:

    Government? programs require passing drug tests.

  • Teeg M says:

    False.? Where’d you get your degree?
    I have a baby sister who’s almost normal because her birth mother was arrested and put in prison at 3 weeks pregnancy. Her older half-brother gets mistaken for having Down’s syndrome.

  • sVicious89 says:

    This? makes me physically ill. These moms should be fucking shot.

  • jade dee says:

    you know people have problems who are you to judge. I am not saying this mother didn’t make some bad decisions, and of course its sad the baby is suffering because of that, but who are you to judge. It must be nice to know your so perfect that you can point out the short comings of others. did you know that if a women is abusing any type of pain medication before her pregnancy and she? gets pregnant she cannot stop using otherwise she runs the risk of miscarrying, its a catch22.

  • jade dee says:

    you know people have problems who are you to judge. I am not saying this mother didn’t make some? bad decisions, and of course its sad the baby is suffering because of that, but who are you to judge. It must be nice to know your so perfect that you can point out the short comings of others. did you know that if a women is abusing any type of pain medication before her pregnancy and she gets pregnant she cannot stop using otherwise she runs the risk of miscarrying, its a catch22.

  • bionicwaffleiron says:

    Project Prevention

    it’s a controversial organization but it deals with this problem
    you have to think- if this mother did heroin while she? was pregnant, how is she fit to raise him?

  • badsign1980 says:

    since the whole afga. war begun theres no heroin in european markets but usa is flood in opiates, americans cant see the connection? jesus they are dumb

  • badsign1980 says:

    why? do these3 bitches have kids??? cant the gov give out free condoms?

  • 469jasper says:

    pseudo science coming from an ignorant society full of people that? are not that intelligent,mostly science is trial and error ,science is full of theories Ok here is a question why is there women that never did a drugs in there life? never did drugs while they where pregnant, there wealthy and then they give birth,the child comes out mentally retarded can you answer that question? I dont believe that mental retardation is hereditary

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