What Happens in Rehab?

Question by K<3A 2315: What happens in rehab?
My boyfriend has gone to rehab for 30 days. I know the idea of rehab, and it was more of his choice then being forced. But for him i wonder if it will help. He huffs, which is deadly, but will rehab give him new skills to cope with things or just try to break the addiction while hes there. I’ve never been to rehab, but what are the bests things I can do to support him when he’s out? He’s only 17, and needed the help. But is there anything I can do for him? Also, anyone who’s gone through rehab, can you tell me what its like? I’m straight edge, so I know thats a good example for him, but what else can I do other then be there for him?
He’s only going for 30 days because insurance will only pay for 30. and his case worker said he would only need 30-45 days. I’m not sure how they base it. its a youth rehab center.

Best answer:

Answer by peanut 2
If he is only going for 30 days it probably wont help too much. They will just keep him off it for the 30 days and teach him ways of trying to resist temptation.

What he really needs to do is go to a rehab which will keep you there for 2-3 months (you sign a form saying they can keep you there for that long even if you wish to leave) where they completely break you down and get to the roots of everything negative in your life and then build you back up again. That is the type of rehab that actually works.

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One Response to What Happens in Rehab?

  • jannsody says:

    You’re a great friend and girlfriend for wanting to know how to support your boyfriend when he gets discharged from rehab. The positive aspect is that you’d mentioned that he’d gone into treatment voluntarily, on his own free will. He’s probably had quite a bit of counseling at an inpatient rehab. However, that is only the beginning of the process of getting well, and the person with the addiction(s) really needs to continue with outpatient counseling and 12-step groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, both ways to help support his sobriety (staying sober).

    The program in which he’d attended (or still does) most likely has gone over ways to help prevent relapse also known as “relapse prevention” such as resuming treatment at outpatient counseling, attending 12-step groups, journaling, surrounding oneself with that who are sober such as yourself, taking a walk, reading or such. The (emotional) support from family and friends is important, but please remember that it is the ultimate responsibility of the person with the addiction to stay clean.

    Regarding huffing, please let him know that not everyone dies from inhalant use but may instead end up with Brain Trauma as with my friend who has a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from huffing at the age of 12, now in her 30s. Other risks include sight loss/blindness, heart/liver/kidney damage, seizures, limb spasms, hearing loss and death, all of which can happen after the very FIRST time of use. For more information about the dangers of huffing – National Inhalant Prevention Coalition: http://www.inhalants.org

    Pertaining to ways to help support a loved one after rehab: http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/1278.html and can scroll down the page as needed.

    I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Al-Anon, but it is a free 12-step program for the relatives and friends of the addict (the loved one may attend an “open” meeting if the addict does not have a drinking problem): http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/meetings/meeting.html

    Nar-anon is a self-help program for the family members and friends of the person with a drug addiction: http://www.nar-anon.org/Nar-Anon/Nar-Anon_Groups.html

    This site is supposed to have counseling (and treatment programs) for those with a substance abuse problem: http://dasis3.samhsa.gov/ and can click one’s state of residence on the map.

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