R&P: Name a Song That Speaks to You of Experience, Strength, or Hope?

Question by Punch: R&P: name a song that speaks to you of Experience, Strength, or Hope?
Hello all!! your distant cousin Punch here to tell you that you too can see yourself through a living hell and come through on the other side, a better stronger spirit. I have been living in a treatment center since checking myself into detox on June 7th for a longtime substance abuse problem as a result of some painful issues that I am finally facing for the first time in my life..

U2-Moment Of Surrender

The Verve- The Drugs Don’t Work

Aimee Mann- This Is How It Goes
” it’s all about drugs, it’s all about shame..”

I Don’t have computer access but hope to check your answers tomorrow or Sunday
just leave a song that speaks to you of faith, and perhaps share something of your own individual struggle…

Mumford and Sons – Little Lion Man w/lyrics

Broken Bells

Sarah McLaughlin- Angel

Have Fun

BQ: do you remember me?

BQ2: what was your favorite of the songs I posted??
Thank you so much for the kind words and show of support, I can’t express to you all how much this response means to me!! I consider so many of you dear friends and I admire you all so much. I hope to be around a little more often but you will understand, the work of my recovery comes first.

Indeed I’ve been blessed by the best!

Best answer:

Answer by Strong Banana Jones
hey punch, glad to see you again. it sounds like you have really turned a corner. i’m happy that your detox program seems to be helping.

jimmy cliff- you can get it if you really want

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!