Addiction and the Brain – Drug or Alcohol Abuse Is a Disease.
Addiction and the Brain – drug or alcohol abuse is a disease. – Tim Brunson, PhD, talks about how the brain works regarding addictions (alcohol, drug addiction). Why does your brain respond to repeated behavior? How can y…
Tags: alcohol abuse, drug addict, drug addiction
Do you consider type 2 diabetes a disease? Would you not say that most who
suffer from that had a choice to live a healthier life in which wouldn’t
have led to T2 diabetes? Just food for thought. ?
Addiction IS a disease!! why would anyone CHOOSE that life!? Educate
I dont drink or smoke but have tried them and I never got addicted cause i
got a strong brain 😀
I’ve read through all the posts however I feel that is a useful clip. My
bro would like to get astounding with women of all ages. He picked up a lot
from a website called Master Attraction. (Google it.) The strategies with
regards to attracting chicks at clubs from Master Attraction got him his
first fucks in a number of years. I became pissed however as I heard them
all. Grrrr.
Exactly yet the law likes to imprison these sick people saying they are
breaking laws when in reallity they need to be cured
Addiction really isn’t a respecter of person. It can affect anyone.
Excellent video.
Understand addiction and how it is connected to the brain.?
Thanks for your comment. However, you may wish to update your neuroanatomy
knowledge. What you mentioned has not been taught for a few decades.
Specifically, the information I presented builds upon the fact that all
neural substrates contain stem cells, which when stimulated increase the
number of neurons in that substrate. As the length of my reply is limited,
Google me and use one of my comment forms to contact me for further
information if necessary. I can provide references and more info.
Dendritic spines and branches extend with repetitive stimulation,
plasticity…. I believe that’s what he was implying.
and do not believe an addict EVER EVER EVER!! THEY LIE! from their bumholes
and would sell their gran for a score!! addiction is like goin to grad
school they can leave anytime they like but if they stay too long they
graduate with flying colours!!! once an addict has been through this and is
totally CONSUMED there is little or no hope unless the learnt hardwired
addict behaviour ingrained in them is totally wiped from their hard drive
and they reprogram their minds clean and NOT with 12step BS
Great Video.