Can You Move Jurisdiction in a Child-Custody Case? Any Lawyers Out There?

Question by boz4425: Can you move jurisdiction in a child-custody case? Any lawyers out there?
My husband has “joint” custody with his children’s mother. She lives in Florida (where children were born) and we live in Georgia. We moved the children up here back in 2003 and they go to school here. She can visit anytime she wants and they are supposed to go down for visistation in summer.

However, even though it’s called “joint” custody – we have them all during the school year and she hasn’t excercised her rights of coming to Georgia to visit and last summer they didn’t go down to Florida because she was in rehab for drugs. So technically we have full physical custody basically.

My problem is, the jurisdiction is held in Florida and we want to have it moved to Georgia since this is where we reside with the children and the children live here 85% if not 100% of the time. Is this possible?? Any lawyers out there that know? And yes, we’ve talked to several already and gotten different answers so now we’re doing our own research. Any one know of websites of law?

Best answer:

Answer by goz1111
talk to a family lawyer but under the uniform child child custody act as long as the child has lived in your state for a period of six months that state can exercise jurisdiction over the child

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