Can I Be Violated on Probation for Not Taking Drug Classes?

Question by : Can i be violated on probation for not taking drug classes?
So i live in michigan (where im on probation). & im 18

One of my requirements is to take “outpatient substance abuse”.

I was told to call a place called “SEMCA” if i didnt have health insurance (which i dont). They gave me a survey and after i answered all of the questions they denied me because i dont fit the criteria.(basically they’re saying they dont think i need help so they dont want to waste money). I have a letter sent in the mail saying that.

Then, i tried calling several places looking for the class im supposed to take. They all said they either didnt have enough room for me or they wont accept me.

After that, i told my probation officer all of that and she told me to lie and say that i am still doing drugs.

Then i called some more places and they still wouldnt accept me or have enough room. And one of the places i called said that the letter i received should be enough to show to the judge so i wouldnt have to take the classes. And they said that my probation officer isnt allowed to tell me to lie.

So i have no idea what to do. i tried calling everywhere and every place i call just denys me and gives me a different number to call.
Can i get in trouble for this? i mean im really trying. this is bs.

Also my officer said “if SEMCA wont cover my classes, its still my responsibility to take/pay for them”. But i am also not able to afford it. i only work part time and my car is falling apart, i have rent to pay, school to go to, etc.

Best answer:

Answer by Mister Cool

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