I Don’t Know What to Do. Where to Go? I Feel So lost/confused.(Long) and Sorry It’s So Long :)?

Question by D: I don’t know what to do. Where to go? I feel so lost/confused.(Long) and sorry it’s so long :)?
Wow,where do I start. I know others have similar situations like me, but I have shut my problem out. I have recently noticed how bad it is this summer. I guess because I have so much time off from school. Anyway my mother does drugs, and my undependable family knows. She has so many sibling who could help her and don’t, they have too much pride and self-centered. I want to get my mother in a rehab, and told some of my family, they agreed but did not do anything. So as of now I know I have to take action as soon as I get myself settled. I really want to leave where I am currently living. Me & my mother live in my deceased gma’s house. There are always obsessively high bills, but my mom ends up paying them off WAY AFTER THE DUE DATE with child support and others money. She is always doing something sneaky and its so noticeable, and she tells me dumb crap. Like 1time, I seen a bottle she been using for drugs and ask her what it was. She said she keeps her daily medication in there. LIE LIE LIE! she knew I knew & did not care. She uses daily and is always negative. I never look forward to coming home, even when i am at school (and u know that’s bad,ha). We are always low on food or have none for a period of time. She takes my money/ anything valuable,so now I just don’t keep any of it in the house.My friends/classmates don’t know I go through crap like this, they think I have a great life. Because I don’t show my feelings and don’t talk about my problems. I make good grades and dress nice, and stay active. I talk to a counselor,who is so sweet, I love her to death. But I need to take action, enough talking. There are many problems that my mom causes and my family still give her rides to unknown spots and money for madeup things. So they are accessories to her drug supply, but they just want her out their hair.Finally my point is I can’t live with my dad period, no uncles or aunts or close cousins. My brother offered me a room, but he has issues (anger issues) and can get physical and controlling. I don’t need extra problems. Idk what I should do, don’t know where to go. I am 19 and will be going to a community college in Jan., so can leave when i want, but currently interviewing with jobs, so not financially set. I have a family friend, who lives in the same city and she is really nice, will do anything for us. I wrote her a letter explaining the situation and asking to live w/her. But the day I was going to give it to her, I found out she was pregnant and the guy started coming over her house often. I don’t think they live 2gether(not sure). But I would believe he’s over alot since they have a kid 2gether now. Should I just ask if the guy stays there/ And if he doesn’t should I give her the letter. She knows about the problems but never said anything about me moving in(also she is the mother of my nephews,so were close). One of my cousins lives close by and we are close, but he has a GF, shes been living out of town. But she pops up sometimes to visit & i don’t want him or her to feel uncomfortable. I have family in NC,but can not live with either of them, but I have another close family friend in NC (who is the mother of my little cousin), but that’s about 2 and a half hrs away. I want to go to school, and would not mind going to school down there. But Idk how hard it will be to move all the way down there. Or if I need to fill out paperwork, because I will be living in another state. Plz help.any Advice.
If u have read to the end, thanks 4real. I didn’t even know it was going to be that much 😀

Best answer:

Answer by Z
okay first of all i am sorry for your situation. good for you that you are going to college. i think you shoud stay with your family friend and give her the letter. find a good job and i suggest you pay her rent and offer to help with her baby, etc.

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