Is Brain Damage Possible to Suffer From After an Accident?

Question by Savannah: Is brain damage possible to suffer from after an accident?
I was in a car accident recently, and have been suffering whiplash for a few days. My doctor says that whiplash is normal, and that I’ll be feeling pain for a while.
Is it normal that once I got home- I had a nose bleed. I mean, spitting out blood, and it took a while to get control over. Also, it’s only gotten worse, even with heat pads and medication.
My mother says that I might be suffering from brain damage. Is this possible? And if so, is this normal?

Best answer:

Answer by psychopiet
Whiplash is not brain-damage
Noose-bleed is not brain-damage

You could have brain damage but not because of a whiplash or noosebleed. If you feel unsure go see your doctor.

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