Hysterical Media Dub Dabs "the Crack of Marijuana"

Hysterical Media Dub Dabs "The Crack of Marijuana"

Filed under: Portland Drug Rehabs

A theme that has developed from just a few news reports reveals how the media are framing butane hash oil as the latest dangerous drug endangering our teenagers. ABC15 in Phoenix ran a story on a Monday entitled “'Dabbing' the new drug of choice for …
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Frederick Hodgkins: Around the roundabout at Norcross Circle

Filed under: Portland Drug Rehabs

… town managers to keep North Conway in the past to benefit the sentimental feelings of the Old School and then not take care of the needs of the people … like the dismissal of a drug rehab clinic in the fabulous, wonderful, and phenomenally …
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Hungry like the wolf? Time for a new erotica

Filed under: Portland Drug Rehabs

As the youngest woman ever to make detective in the Portland Police Bureau, Danny Hartmann has racked up an impressive record. Called to the scene of the murder of a homeless veteran in …. performance the demons haunting him finally descended. Unable …
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Marijuana Addiction and Fraudulently, Costly Therapy

Filed under: Portland Drug Rehabs

(PORTLAND, Ore.) – "Marijuana addiction" is a grossly mis-applied statement. Marijuana/Cannabis is probably the least addictive, least harmful medication ever discovered and used by humans. The worst adverse effect in the words of many users, is …
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