How Do I Make My Hair Grow Faster?

Question by Landon: How do I make my hair grow faster?
If I get my spilt ends cut will that make my hair grow faster? What can I do to make my hair grow faster?

Best answer:

Answer by Shazaan
OK, so I was obsessed with the same question about two months ago, and I was searching every website for an answer and tbh the only answer is:


I know you’ll think that answer is rubbish, but honestly its true. I had a haircut on Dec 14, lairs, to get rid of the splits ends I’d had for a year, and literally within 2 weeks it was back to the same length. And I LOVED my haircut, I was so lucky, I was taking a giant risk but I totally looked like a supermodel.

Hair cut definitely
Good shampoo and conditioner for YOUR hair type.
Brushing hair often


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