How Did Rush Limbaugh Avoid Prison for His Drug Bust?

Question by : How did Rush Limbaugh avoid prison for his drug bust?
I know he avoided the draft by claiming he had a pimple on his butt and perhaps this same defense kept Rush out of the tank?

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7 Responses to How Did Rush Limbaugh Avoid Prison for His Drug Bust?

  • Rob says:

    The best lawyer money can buy.

  • Buckwheat Von Junglebush says:

    what drug bust…..

  • On the left and proud says:

    Money talks bullsh!t walks

  • Rankin says:

    He advocated lengthy sentences for people who use drugs illegally, then he got caught and only needed some “help” to get through his addiction. It’s just poor people who are supposed to go to jail for being dopers, not rich guys with their own radio show.

  • RUKiddingtoo says:

    Probably the same way Obama avoided prison for his drug usage–that he writes about, seemingly proudly in his books.

  • -JD- says:

    The 1% live by different rules, Pilgrim.

  • Wiley Begonay says:

    He was Never “Busted”, DIPHTHONG.

    He was investigated, and had to spend a FORTUNE to keep his constitutional rights from being trampled on, but he was never charged with any crime.

    If he was not a wealthy man, his rights would have been toast. They were trying to subpoena his doctor records to look and SEE IF there was any wrongdoing, not because they HAD any evidence of wrong-doing. They were looking for evidence. They did not HAVE any.

    Of course, IF he were not a rich and successful man, No-one would have cared.

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