To All Those Who View Socialism as Oppressive and Evil, Shouldn’t You Give Up Medicare and Social Security?

Question by Derek ? the East-Coast Élitist: To all those who view Socialism as oppressive and evil, shouldn’t you give up medicare and Social Security?
Explain to me how medicare and Social Security aren’t inherently Socialistic systems.

Then I’d like to see you in old age refuse the payments and coverage, haha. It’ll all look different, then, trust me.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael Scarn
You are right.

Give your answer to this question below!



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10 Responses to To All Those Who View Socialism as Oppressive and Evil, Shouldn’t You Give Up Medicare and Social Security?

  • Phil McCracken says:

    that dead horse has been kicked.

    the only people on the far right now are ignorant, paranoid hypocrites.

  • USA Male says:

    Thats the truth!!! Best I seen on that.!

  • DONALD T says:


  • iris054 says:

    All those who say they hate socialism (which can be state or federal) should immediately give up the following:

    Social Security; Medicare/Medicaid; State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP); police, fire, and emergency services; the US Postal Service; public roads and highways; air travel (it’s regulated by the socialist FAA); the US Railway System; public subways and metro systems; public bus and light rail systems; rest areas on highways; sidewalks; all government-funded local/state projects; public water and sewer services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!); public and state universities and colleges; public primary and secondary schools; Sesame Street; publicly funded anti-drug use education for children; public museums, libraries, public parks and beaches; state and national parks; public zoos; unemployment insurance; municipal garbage and recycling services; treatment at any hospital or clinic that ever received funding from local, state or federal government (pretty much all of them); medical services and medications that were created or derived from any government grant or research funding (again, pretty much all of them); socialist byproducts of government investment such as duct tape and velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions); use of the Internet; email, and networked computers, as the DoD’s ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking; socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees; foodstuffs, meats, produce and crops that were grown with, fed with, raised with or that contain inputs from crops grown with government subsidies; clothing made from crops (e.g. cotton) that were grown with or that contain inputs from government subsidies; VA benefits; socialist government buildings like the capitol in Washington, D.C.; Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History; the socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments; the government-operated Statue of Liberty; The Grand Canyon; the socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials; the government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery, and all other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in your state or in Washington, DC.


  • Evil Goodness says:

    Socialism is good when other people’s tax money is coming your way. Its bad when your tax dollars are going elsewhere.

    I’m still waiting for an end to corporate welfare.

  • Outlawcajun says:

    Yes. Just give all the money back that’s been stolen from us so far. And if you check, both were started by the socialist Democrat Party.

  • don45123 says:

    even john mccain collects his check and his wife is worth 200 million dollars

  • Mike W says:

    No one is going to refuse payments from Social Security and Medicare, when they’ve paid into them for 30 or more years. If there were a way to get all our money back, it might be a different story.

  • I'm back in the USSA says:

    2 POINTS!

  • mom of 3 and done! says:

    Medicare was forced on us too, and social security was only suppose to be for a few years, after you retired you received money that would sustain you until you expired, now people are living much longer and you also have the baby boomer in a few years, this will not continue it will run out!

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