'Addict' MJ Deflected at Least 10 Drug Interventions From Family

'Addict' MJ deflected at least 10 drug interventions from family

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

Randy also testified that his family staged at least 10 interventions to try and get the pop star off various addictive prescription drugs. He said that he even wrote a letter to all his family members explaining his concern that his brother was an …
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Pilot survived 2009 crash into Columbia River

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

As the children's mother yelled for help from the front lawn, several people in the neighborhood raced to rescue the children, but they were forced to turn back by the fire. (Page 2 of 2). A neighbor, David … on Social Venture Partners website. He …
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Dallas, DeSoto shooting rampage shows how domestic abuse cycles are hard to

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

And that he was a paratrooper. He told family members he'd been wounded and was awarded the Purple Heart. He said he had a metal plate in his head. He ended up in a special court program designed to help veterans who've seen combat or experienced …
Read more on Dallas Morning News