Three Ex-Narconon Patients and Staff Slam Scientology

Three Ex-Narconon Patients and Staff Slam Scientology

Filed under: drug rehabs in oklahoma

Last nights' AxXiom for Liberty radio show slammed Scientology's cult drug rehab, Narconon, from several directions. Former Narconon Arrowhead president, Lucas Catton released a statement for show host Howard Houchen to read. Well known for …
Read more on Wire Service Canada (press release)


Narconon Arrowhead Welcomes Worldwide Management Staff for Inspirational

Filed under: drug rehabs in oklahoma

In April 2013, executive directors and other staff from Narconon rehabilitation centers around the world converged on Oklahoma City for their annual director's conference. Part of the inspiration they received from this three-day … As the largest …
Read more on Watch List News (press release)