Dick Batchelor – Social-Service Workers, Clients Rally to Decry Funding Cuts


Dick Batchelor – Social-service workers, clients rally to decry funding cuts – Dozens of social-service workers and their clients rallied in Orlando on Friday to warn of “Draconian” legislative cuts targeting state-funded programs for m…


Call to toughen up PS insurer – Canberra Times

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

The report has also urged the federal government to consider a ''national framework'' for the rehabilitation of all workers injured on the job to replace the fragmented state and territory-based approaches in place. The federal government has published …
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At This Juncture

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

If he is able to procure the funding, Loyd plans on landscaping the lot east of the restaurants to include bioswales for directing runoff water, in addition to building a bike repair station with the help of Blackstone Bicycle Works. … She contacted …
Read more on The Chicago Weekly