Argentines Celebrate Francis as Their 'Slum Pope'

Argentines celebrate Francis as their 'slum pope'

Filed under: drug rehab centers in illinois

Cameras followed Bergoglio once as he washed the feet of 12 young men at a rehab center. "Then he kept coming back, taking confession and counseling them," Vedia said. On the priest's desk lay a newspaper with a huge, one-word headline: "FRANCISCO …
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Covington & Burling | "What Drug Manufacturers Need to Know About 340B in

Filed under: drug rehab centers in illinois

On December 3, 2012, HRSA notified com- munity health centers that recertification for their eligi- bility for 340B drug discounts will begin in January of 2013.10 Recently, a ''significant number'' of covered entities missed the deadline to recertify …
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