Colloidal Silver and Uti/yeast Infections?

Question by : Colloidal Silver and uti/yeast infections?
I experience frequent painful urinary tract and yeast infections, they usually alternate every month, but I’m guaranteed some type of infection every couple weeks. I recently started experiencing the symptoms of a UTI, and went into a Health store(Maxx Nutrition), and the women recommended Colloidal Silver; she informed me it was a natural antibiotic and it would treat my infection. My symptoms were not relieved and I ended up in the E.R from the pain; my question being could colloidal silver be used as a type of preventative to my chronic infections, or is it unfit to take daily dosages. In researching I found some sites saying that too much use of the product, can cause a skin disease. I’m just looking for some info on it, and if anyone has experienced reflief from this product? Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by oldtimekid2
Colloidal Silver in the proper doses is safe and is very good for boosting the . If you take too much, it could turn your skin gray/blue over time, so you should stick with the recommended dosage.

That being said, were in that much pain after the Silver, or was it from the infection to start with? If it was an allergic reaction, I would stay away from it, but that is rare.
Anyway, if you are commonly getting UT and yeast infections, I’m willing to bet you’ve been on antibiotics probably a couple times and that’s likely what is causing them to come back. Antibiotics are very well known for killing not only the bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria that lives in your intestinal tract, which also helps to keep yeast at bay. So when the good bacteria is killed off, it’s very common for people to get reoccurring yeast infections and the really bad cases commonly get UTIs as well.

I would recommend getting on a good probiotic (at least 3-5 billion organisms from 4-6 strains, but you would probably benefit more from a higher number of organisms at first), plus taking Cranberry on a daily basis can help prevent the UTIs in addition.
Good luck and I hope I helped!

[edit]: Malik is NOT a doctor… that is just spam for his sales website.

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One Response to Colloidal Silver and Uti/yeast Infections?

  • Real Life says:

    Colloidal Silver has never been proven in proper medical studies to be effective. But it has been proven to be dangerous.

    “Considered potentially toxic by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration”

    “there’s no evidence that taking colloidal silver can do anything to fight disease or improve health, says Dr. Edmund Pribitkin, a professor of otolaryngology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia”

    “the National Institutes of Health warns that large doses of colloidal silver could cause seizures, kidney damage, stomach trouble, headaches and fatigue”

    “People are spending a lot of money on something that has never been proven to work”,1,5020689.story

    “the Food and Drug Administration’s 1999 ruling that colloidal silver is not recognized as a safe or effective treatment in over-the-counter products for any condition, and its manufacturers therefore cannot make drug-like claims about the product. ”

    Though unusual, turning blue (Argyria) can occur after several months of exposure.

    “Argyria occurs in people who eat or breathe in silver over a long period (several months to many years)”

    “Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. One is argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the body. Argyria is not treatable or reversible.”

    Please don’t put your hope in these products, you’ll end up with is less money and could get terrible side effects from unproven and untested medicines. Please see a proper medical doctor for advice on your UTI problems, good luck.

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