They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab; I Said, 'No, No, No'

They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab; I Said, 'No, No, No'

Filed under: residential drug treatment centers

I actually enjoyed Meridell Achievement Center, in a Stockholm syndrome sort of way, because although I was there against my will, the staff assured me that they weren't going to try to turn me straight. They asked me what sort of treatment I wanted …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)


Best of MuckReads 2012

Filed under: residential drug treatment centers

This joint investigation explores the costly cancer drug treatment market in North Carolina's largest hospital systems, where some drugs are priced two to 10 times higher than at independent clinics. Hospitals say the soaring out-of-pocket costs are …
Read more on ProPublica


Paired CT Scans Catch Chemo-Killing of Liver Tumors in Real Time

Filed under: residential drug treatment centers

Geschwind is leading clinical trials under way at Johns Hopkins and other centers to assess whether the combination drug treatment works for liver cancer patients. Early results have shown promise, with patients with advanced disease living 10 months …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)