How to Choose a Florida Addiction Treatment Program by Ocean Breeze Recovery


How to Choose a Florida Addiction Treatment Program by Ocean Breeze Recovery – Here at we provide effective addiction treatment programs. Our dual diagnosis drug rehab program is one of the best Florida addiction treatment programs available. Ocean Breeze Recovery – 855.627.7700 My name is Jonathan Moseley I am the Executive Director of Admissions here at Ocean Breeze Recovery. How do you feel about Ocean Breeze? I really enjoy the care that we offer here. I enjoy the staff that works here, the people I get to interact with on a daily basis. I really feel that theres a sense of caring here where as all of our staff is 100% committed to helping everyone who walks through the door here. That is really the most important thing we offer here. As far as keeping a small census and individualized care, which is also something we offer here. I strongly believe it works here and I really enjoy working here and the clients that come through here. I learn something from all of them. Do you feel you have made a difference in any individual client’s life? I know if a client comes through the door that’s all I can do. It’s not up to me if a clients going to stay clean but its up to me to show up and help the client. It’s my job to be here and make sure we can provide them the help they need. How did you get involved in working in addiction treatment? It just happened where I started working admissions at another addiction treatment facility and I found passion for it. This just kind of made sense. I always say there’s a plan in life


Emerging treatments for macular degeneration are the focus of free seminar on

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

To provide Southwest Florida residents, visitors and the medical community with the latest research and news on treatment options for age -related macular degeneration (AMD), Retina Health Center and the Foundation Fighting Blindness will host the …